Term Life Insurance Blog: Two Retarded brothers - Life Insurance Scam

Monday, March 27, 2006

Two Retarded brothers - Life Insurance Scam

I love reading these stories even though they're usually horrifying. Taking a life insurance policy out on an unsuspecting woman and then killing her for the money. To me that is the ultimate crime: using somebody else's life for financial gain. They got a $400,000 paycheck for somebody else's life. These brothers should get the death penalty. Once again, life insurance is for insuring against the accidental death, or death caused by uncontrollable health issues. Life insurance is not for planned premeditated deaths. Life insurance should not be used for killing for profit.! These types of articles are great to illustrate the wrong usage of life insurance.
Brothers in crime change plan, now say they're retarded The brothers came to this country with a sophisticated plan. They would pose as aristocrats from Germany and, using their charm and good looks, one of them would find a woman to sweep off her feet. He would marry her and take out life insurance, and when she signed the policy, she would be signing her death warrant. Now, 17 years later, the brothers are coming to court with another plan. They can't be put to death, they say, because they're mentally retarded. This week, prosecutors asked the state Supreme Court to overturn a lower court judge's ruling that could help brothers Michael and Rudi Apelt avoid a death sentence.



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